Friday, June 1, 2012












1. You Are Your Friends

How To Become An Entrepreneur: Someone who wants to become an entrepreneur should be hanging out with entrepreneurs. You are who you hang out with. Thanks To: Albert Ko of CheapCheapCheap LLC

2. Planning Is Essential

How To Become An Entrepreneur: A business plan is essential for anyone who is trying to start any type of business!  They're not just for obtaining financing and shouldn't be put onto a shelf once they are complete.  It's a tool that a business owner can use to help guide them in the right direction for their business. Thanks To: Dawn Martinello of Monday Morning VA

3. Get Discipline

How To Become An Entrepreneur: Someone who wants to become an entrepreneur should be sure they have the self discipline and work ethic before proceeding. Thanks To: Cindy Tollen of Sudz N Bubbles

4. What Does Society Need?

How To Become An Entrepreneur: To become an entrepreneur, one should brainstorm about what societal needs are not being met and then develop a solution to alleviate one of those needs. Thanks To: Michael Shapiro of

5. Interview The "Been-There's"

How To Become An Entrepreneur: The aspiring entrepreneur would  benefit by interviewing someone who is doing, what they hope to do. Thanks To: Fran Briggs of The Fran Briggs Companies

6. Skip The MBA

How To Become An Entrepreneur: Don't get an MBA.  It will not help. Thanks To: John Brothers of StatusMe

7. Keep It Simple, Stupid

How To Become An Entrepreneur: Someone becomes an entrepreneur by creating a SIMPLE solution to a specific problem that they have experienced. Thanks To: Renee Wood of The Comfort Company, Inc.

8. Zero Overhead

How To Become An Entrepreneur: Someone who wants to become an entrepreneur should take something they're passionate about and start thinking about it as a business by promoting through free services and social networks.  That way business can be done with virtually zero overhead to see if they like it. Thanks To: Peter of

9. Work Harder Than Everybody Else

How To Become An Entrepreneur: Anyone can become an entrepreneur, just be prepared to work harder than anyone. Thanks To: Tina Wick of Greenpurse

10. Get A Mentor

How To Become An Entrepreneur: Finding a good mentor will save you blood, sweat and tears. Seek out someone you admire and ask. You'll be surprised at how generous great entrepreneurs can be with their time! Thanks To: Pearlin Siow of Asia's Dragons

11. Score at SCORE

How To Become An Entrepreneur: If you are unable to locate a solid mentor on your own, visit the SCORE website.  This organization can be of great help at matching you with a possible mentor that understands small business. Thanks To: Renny Doyle of Detailing Success

12. Don't Worry, Be Happy

How To Become An Entrepreneur: Do what makes you happy. Thanks To: Brooke Kelley of Composing Moments

13. Get Incubated

How To Become An Entrepreneur: Those who wish to become an entrepreneur should look for a true business incubator in their city, and talk to the entrepreneurs and staff involved in that establishment. There will be a whole community of entrepreneurs in one setting, who have each experienced the tug of owning one’s own business. Thanks To: Clay Howard of The Nussbaum Center for Entrepreneurship


it may seem that there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming and your career and family responsibilities will always be demanding.
But managing stress is all about taking charge: of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, and the way you deal with problems.


Being classy is not about being stuck up. You need to cultivate respect. And that means respect for everyone, including yourself. Take care to be polite to others and to reflect a genuine interest in them. Be confident in yourself, dress how you want and act accordingly. When you are done reading this article, you should know how to be classy, as well as selfless, generous, compassionate and responsible.
Class is all in how you come across, how you present and express yourself. If you have to tell people that you're classy, you've already defeated the purpose.


1. Be well mannered. Manners are a necessity to being ladylike. Don't tell or listen to "dirty" jokes; if someone in your presence starts to tell one, politely excuse yourself and leave the situation. Read up on books that teach etiquette and always be nice to everyone, but at the same time, don't be a doormat. You have no responsibility for your heritage, so you should not be judged by that. However, you will, and should, be judged by your friends.
2. Choose your friends wisely. You do not want to be embarrassed by your friends, and you want friends who are on the same social and intellectual level as you are. Who you spend time with says a lot about who you are. If you are saddled with a friend who is not a person you like, talk to them with tact. Explain that, while they are a great person, you don't think that the two of you are similar enough to get on well. You could also say that you like the person but would like to be acquaintances, rather than friends.
3. Remember that actions speak louder than words. Always act appropriately. For example, pull your skirt under your legs when sitting down. Always sit with legs together or, if you must cross them, crossed only at the ankle and placed close to the seat, slightly to a side of you. Do not overindulge in food and avoid alcohol at a party or business function. Gluttony or drunkenness shows one's lack of self-control and can cause a loss of respect or potentially embarrassing moment in front of your peers. Burping or passing gas in the presence of others is bad etiquette as well.
4. Practice martyr-free modesty. In everything she does, a lady will acknowledge those who helped her before she takes any credit for herself. A lady will not flaunt herself, her valuables, or her accomplishments. A good reputation can surpass all of those things. Do not correct others unless they ask your advice. Do not act like you are better than anyone else. A lady is not self-absorbed. But be careful not to seem overly modest -do not be weak and submissive. You are too intelligent and classy for that.
5 Never lose your cool. Don't let people get under your skin, no matter how much they try. Keep your composure. Express your surprise or disappointment at someone's behavior in a gentle way to show that their actions have affected you and to show that you have feelings, or else people might think you're cold or heartless. Drug or alcohol use reduces self control. Avoid them!